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Email facility?

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CindyH | 16:02 Tue 17th Jan 2006 | Technology
6 Answers
Have sent a so called friend various emails, but get a reply saying 'emails have been deleted without being read'. When I have mentioned this to her she says see has a facility to read emails without opening them. Is there such a facility or should I dump this friend?


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Her preview screen could easily show them the entire mesasge and it could be read without being opened.

Why not ask her something in the email which wil prove whether or not she is reading it.

Hi - She has probably got a preview screen and is reading from there and then deleting it. Hope this helps.
If she's working off MS Office Outlook then yes. Most companies use this.
She might be using MailWasher. It allows you a preview of the messages while still on the server, before you choose to download them to your system (for reasons of safety). If you have the preview pane adjusted to show the full message you needn't download them at all if you choose not to.
Dump the friend ! Definatly fobbing you off....I suggest you confront your friend...

Only kidding, ditto all the above answers. Although preview screens can be awkward to read I find. I always end up opening the whole email anyway. Mainly because once the PC sees the email as 'read' the preview screen disappears.

Although If I set this up to only show emails as read after say '10 minutes' then I would not have that problem. So It depends on the settings.

So yes It is possible, but the the news you dont want to hear is also possible.

Just to get those devils on your shoulders working overtime.

I am sure its fine
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Thanks people, that helps. But just to put my mind at rest, think I will set a little trap and send her an email then question her about it. hee hee

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Email facility?

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