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Have You Had Any?

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TWR | 13:12 Fri 22nd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Snow??? Cold here with a lot of flurry's.


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Same here, but not cold.
Lots this morning. All gone now.
Tiddling down with rain...need flippers soon.
None here in North Devon :-(
Think it's blowing too hard for any snow to reach the ground; it's probably starting above here but landing in Ireland ! It's ruddy cold out there (South Cambridgeshire)
No snow here but it has been forecast for tomorrow. Fed up of this cold weather, roll on spring.
its cold, im very very cold, murph won;t share her heat pad with me
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Wizzit, this is Spring lol
Had a light covering in the night but mostly all gone now here in Leicestershire. Forecasts a lot more in the night tonight.
It's White over here in the West Mids.
N/Kent, still blooming cold, but no snow yet..........
LOL I know, I keep forgetting! Hope the sun puts his hat on soon.
Quite thick here in Bradford
no, but its really cold
Freezing cold but no snow in York.
snowing lightly now and cold ... this time last year i had a sunburnt bald head!

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