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Phone Calls

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tooj | 12:21 Fri 22nd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I have had a call from 0033176743680 and there was a short silence then a voice said goodbye and the phone went silent,. Does anyone know who this was?


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Nothing on google, usually a good way of finding out who it is. Seems others have a similar problem though.

Was it to a mobile or landline? If it becomes regular and an annoyance you could see about barring it.
Or a wrong number. 00 33 is France, right?
It is virtually certain to be someone offering to handle your mis-sold PPI.

For the record - any bank holding an account for which they think you may have been mis-sold PPI will write to you and offer to sort it out for you - for free.

So these companies offering to do it for 20% of your reclaim are a waste of time.
I get that caller ringing me regularly - sometimes nothing is actually said - just Goodbye" like Anne Robinson in the Weakest Link!
It was probably about your large Euro lotto win.
No benefit to you ...aka someone selling to you.

Do these people ever sell anything this way ?
Guess they do or they would not do it :-)
try checking through here

Might throw up a known scam/telephone caller, but the phone number is a French number based in the Ile de France (+33 = France) (1 = Region Ile de France) (76743680 = subscriber number)
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Thanks, I'll not answer it if I get any more.
This number is outside of US, UK, AU, CA

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