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Connemmara | 20:21 Fri 22nd Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Was answering a posting when our electricity went off there for about 20 mins. Back on again. Everybody distracted looking for candles. You find candles when you are not looking for them then you can't find them when you are - I just lay down - there's the lights flickering now


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Mr P takes the mick out of me because the house is strewn with candles. But come a powercut I can light up the house quite quickly.

I take it your PC is gas powered?

We have a 4-storey house - I keep a torch hooked over the stairposts on each floor, otherwise it's awfully dark when the lights go out.
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no my pc is electric - conked out
My younger son found the candles I had hidden in case of a powercut.
The only candles I have now are the silly little pink birthday ones

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