Mr BD makes them sometimes but I have to admit we are on shop bought ones this morning. Grandson doesn't eat a lot so its nice to see him tucking in. He's shot up in height this last year but he's also lost three stone in weight due to the situation at home. He's like Ted Lune from the Army Game for those of you of a certain age.
i whip up the yolks, then add the stiffly beaten whites Alby, make a fluffy souffle omelette. Going to make a chicken and ham pie for dinner tonight, just poaching skinless boneless chicken breasts in chicken stock, got a big piece of home cooked ham to cube up. Might add some mushrooms into a creamy bechamel sauce.....later all!
Waterboatman do you remember Ted Lune's letters from his mother in each episode. Never the forgot the "My mother's having all her teeth out and a new gas stove put in".