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need a job

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foolish100 | 15:14 Sat 14th Jan 2006 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers

im 14 and have a paper round. ive had it for a year or 2 now, and very bored. it is only after school on a wednesday, so i dont get much.

i want to earn more than �3 for an hour and a half

any suggestions?



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I believe UK laws states that you can't get another job (in a shopt etc.) until you're 15, so I'm afraid you'll have to stick it out sweetheart.

Is there any way you can start doing things for your family where you can charge for your services? Can you wash their cars? do their ironing?

In the meantime, could you intimate to the shop you delivery papers for that you would be insterested in progressing to working behind the counter when you are finally reach 15?

You couldn't work in a shop for example, until you were 15. It's also worth noting that as a 15 year old there is no set minimum wage. You would be at the mercy of your employer. A minimum wage of �3.00 per hour comes into force at 16-17

Sorry, but i'm afraid they're right. You'll have to wait until your 15. But It's best to think what your most interested in. Then finding out whats in your area, writing letters and emails, this will impress your future employer! Then it's just a waiting game. There will be disappointments through this, when you get a letter or a email, and they say "no". But don't give up, keep trying!


Whatever happens you have shown initiative in asking here. You should go far!
Congratulations to you for your initiative and having stuck out two years of your newsround. Not many people of your age could show the same example. Until you're 15, are there any neighbours for whom you could baby sit? Alternatively, when the weather is better, possibly car washing, weeding, or lawnmowing might be options. Are you any good at ironing? Some neighbours who work might be relieved to be rid of this latter chore. Whatever you do, be sure to do a good professional job. If people know you are reliable and punctual they are more likely to use you again. Good luck. Hope you're able to find something.

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