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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:33 Thu 28th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
237 Answers
Thursday. Positively tropical outside. Only -1° this morning. It's the coldest March since 1962. All we want now is the Jet Stream to finish it's holiday in France and go back to where it should be.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Bye good or careful ! Xxx
Question Author
Have a happy day albs xxxxx

Hi/'Bye balders!
Question Author
Time to go and sort the day out.

Have a happy day everyone.
Boaty..check your mail...has sent some garden pics..
Good morning WBM and all the sun is out in all it's glory this morning. Got a chance of it clearing the snow off the grass as I am fed up looking at it .Just patches here and there to go. Hope you all have a nice easter.
Bye Boaty xx
Morning wendi - got to be moving myself!
Hi Wendi..xx we had a little overnight but not much...
Bye try and be good !! Lol
Morning DT and MM got to get moving too bit late this morning .
Bye Wendi xx
need to get that washing on....see you all later..xx
good moring all. hope you are all well. i'm not really late have been doing things and forgot about the time. sorry. have you gone about your days already? if you have, have a good one.
Morning l-j, hope you're well
yes thanks baldric. do you have snow or frost or is it bright and dry. haven'teto whitstabubble since my mother died. alwyas used to take her along the cliffs at herne bay and the sea front at whit. in fact she is still there.
Nice bright day, no snow left, and Sun threatening to break through, nice day so far.
We only moved here (Hampton) 2 months ago, although we've known area for years.
well, i've got to get a move on. so thanks for that info. keeping a close look on the weather as youngest will not drive down to see me (it is a long way to drive in bad weather) if the journey is going to be bad. bye for now.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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