I've driven down to Lower Whitley today to put some daffs on my grandparents grave. It's years since I can remember having a car that I could do 70mph in on the motorway but this brand new corsa is a dream! Thing is, when you're tootling along at a steady 60 in the first lane you see everyone go past, what is really an eye opener is when you're doing 70 in the middle lane and lots of others fly past you and vanish into the distance!
Actually Eddie the speedometer regulations are UNECE ones
(United Nations Economic Community for Europe)
Regulation 39 section 5.3
The speed indicated shall not be less than the true speed of the vehicle. At the test speeds specified in paragraph 5.2.5. above, there shall be the following relationship between the speed displayed (V1 ) and the true speed (V2).
0 ≤ (V1 - V2) ≤ 0.1 V2 + 4 km/h