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margaretrae | 11:46 Thu 19th Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

I am stuck for 2 in this quiz after romping through the rest. All the answers are well known films.

1. Airman's better half (3 words)

2 Usually 1300-1400. (2 words)

Anyone have any suggestions as it is driving me mad.



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Maybe 'The Astronauts wife' for the first?

Something to do with dinner time/hour or lunch break for the second - don't know any films called that though!!

1. The Aviator's Wife (Eric Rohmer) ?
2. Lunch Hour ? 1962 John Mortimer farce, but rather obscure ...
Just had a look and there is a 1961 film called 'Lunch Hour' !
1. The Pilot's Wife was a 2004 film based on the book by Anita Shreve
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Thanks everyone. At last I can sleep at night.

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