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Good Morning Ab'ers

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NoMercy | 04:55 Tue 02nd Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
169 Answers
'Tis the dawn of a new week, with many now embarking upon diets after eating countless Easter Eggs. I had a chocolateless Easter myself.

Hope you all have a jolly spiffing day ! X


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Hey gness I thought you had to keep that poorly leg of yours up in the air for at least another day, so leave those tiles alone lol.
Leg is up Tony... :-(
Good gal :-)
good the very early posters 4am/6am, why are you on line so early ?
Morning fluffy, have you got the day off ?.
no :-(
Doh, oh well never mind it'll soon be lunch time.
true, then home time :-)

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Good Morning Ab'ers

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