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Good Morning Playmates

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moonraker558 | 03:42 Wed 03rd Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
173 Answers
Up and at em, Spring is in the air, Birds are nesting, The sun is on the way up, I'm in the mood for love.......

What's to be miserable about?

It's a great life and ...............Bugger my bottle is empty..Oh well that's it then....It's all downhill now.

Have an ok day ya all. ♥


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Hope the clouds blow away boaty.
Have a good'un DT. I should be off too.

Have a happy day everyone.
Bye Boaty take care too DT xx
Sun has arrived !! Hooray ...
Because it's so sunny, I can see dust everywhere :-(
See ya later DT and boaty.

Thats because of the ongoing work though sibo.
Hope the window cleaner comes soon....they are minging !!
If the window cleaner comes minty you know it will rain an hour later don't you lol !.
Ain't that the truth tone !!
Yes minty, known as sod's law I believe.
Brrrrrrrrrr. its colder out there than it looks. Just hung some washing out and my fingers are numbbbbbb
Just about to peek in laundry basket...May as well do what's there whilst the going is good. !
I'm going outside to give the car a clean in a while !.

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