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Public Swimming Pools

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mrs_overall | 12:15 Wed 03rd Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Is it a Northern thing or does anyone else call it going to the baths?


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My kids call it going to the pictures so it is not a saying reserved for oldies
When I was a kid used to be 'going to the baths'.
Em Which lido in London ? I used to go to one not far from ally pally..had indoor pool too...larger outdoor and kiddies pool...loved it in the summer...
I'm under 40 ....... just

cheers mrs o, will have to google as i don't get it - did they import the idea?
The term lido is an Italian word for beach and forms part of the place name of several Italian seaside towns known for their beach, e.g. Lido di Venezia, the barrier beach enclosing the Lagoon of Venice. Possibly the term found its way into English from returning English visitors to Lido di Venezia, where sea-bathing took place from the late 19th century.[1] The word was first used for a public outdoor swimming pool in the UK in July 1935, in London
still don;t like it *crosses arms and stamps foot*
fluff lives playing ludo...
I used to call it the baths years ago, but now I just say I'm going swimming or the name of the leisure centre. Not that I say it anyway, as the only place you would get me into a swimming pool would be if I was somewhere hot and sunny. LOL.
Mrs O the outdoor pool you refer to we called it the coolers
My nan and Grandad used to go to the baths as their house didn't have a bath.
I had visions of loads of wrinklies in one giant pool searching for the soap.
I was only young at the time!
as children, we went to the baths, girls only allowed in if they had a swimmimg cap !!!!!!!!
Public?...Swimming Pool?

Err!!..No thanks

"Em Which lido in London ? I used to go to one not far from ally pally..had indoor pool too...larger outdoor and kiddies pool...loved it in the summer... "

MM, that sounds like Park Rd pool in Hornsey, spent many a happy summer there after our local lido (Tottenham) closed down.

We always said swimming not baths even though the pool was called Public Baths. FF, I always say pictures, cinema sounds wrong.
many hardy souls swim at Hampstead ponds, i haven't ever swum there, i swim like a proverbial brick, and have zero confidence in the water, but they do so all year round, and nothing deters them.
Parliament hill fields, it's still there, still gets busy in summer, oh wait a minute. x
nice, but bloody freezing all year round.
Here in Notts we used to go to the baths, the nearest one was about ten miles away and attached to the Pit Head Baths at the old Sherwood Colliery and in the 60's there seemed to be a bit of a craze for "lidos" in several nearby towns, which were ok even though they were cold even on the hottest day, but the coldest used to be the big out door pool at Skegness, a salt water pool,t didn't matter how hot a day it was or how many people were using it it was always brass monkey cold.
Years ago the bath at Kendal (long gone now) used to have separate bathing for male and female.
Going swimming when I was a lad meant the river when the tide was in and the docks when it was out

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