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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:19 Thu 04th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
114 Answers
Thursday. It's a bit warmer this morning at 0°C. The wind still has teeth though, so it doesn't feel any warmer.

Roll on next week when spring is really supposed to get under way!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning boaty & tony xx
(Those kisses were for boaty. I do't know where tony has been lol)
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Thank you Mrs. O. I'm honoured! :o} They are very welcome though! ;o}
Sounds to me as if she was honest from the start,
She had the children, brought them up well, didn't abuse/ill-treat them in any way.
And has waited 'til they are old enough to deal with it before going public, and I'm pretty sure they would have discussed it before hand.
Having lived with/been married to a Midwife for the last 30 years I'm certain there are a hell of a lots more women out there who feel the same way.
Cheeky mare.
Baldric, have you been sniffing paint thinners again?
Oops, wrong thread, how'd that happen?
Wrong thread Baldric :-)
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He's on about the mother who publicly said she regretted having her children. There are many like her but most of them keep it to themselves. As they should.
boaty, that is exactly what I said on that thread.

Great minds.....
Quick C & P job to get it in right place, shame you can't shift the original, however...............

pass the thinners Mrs O!..
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Indeed Mrs. O. :-)
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Time to make tracks. Have a happy day everyone. :o}
At mums been to ASDA Sainsburys...etc....getting ready to go to hossie now...nice and sunny here....hope you all have great back tonight. X

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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