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Rula's hair

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lady_p_gold | 22:20 Fri 20th Jan 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Is it a wig .. how come it always stays just the same day in day out ???


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lady_p, I have posted an apology on the disabled space thread, you were right i was wrong. I won a tenner for the answer you gave me to the rolling stones question and I would now like to donate it to the charity of your choice.
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Oh well I hadn't seen the apology yet so isn't that nice that we both did the same thing ! Buy yourself a drink or if you really want to give it to charidy ... I will let you choose :)

Hi lady_p_gold. I hadn't noticed it before, but when she was in the studio being interviewed by Davina it did look strangely artificial. I've been no help at all, but thought I'd add my comment anyway!
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She has always had exactly the same style for years ...
you're rght lady_p - she had the same style over 20 years ago when she was married to Minder Dennis Waterman

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Rula's hair

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