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I can't really see the problem. You can still have an alcoholic drink, and if the only meat you eat is pork, go for the vegetarian option. I can't say I recall pork dishes being served on flights to or from Israel either but I don't remember anyone making a fuss about it.
if i was flying that distance i wouldn't be worried about the food, just enough alcohol to knock me senseless.
Who picks an airline because of its food anyway?
some are actually quite good. but you won't know that till you go on it the first time. I haven't flown Quantas, and probably never will.
i know nothing about safety records, and would probably select an airline on price, not on which food they didn't serve
so no big deal
It wouldn't matter to me at all.

I will more than likely get slated for my comment, who run the Air lines? Religion or the Public? If the religion do not like what the menu offers, & by the way, it's been on offer for decades, do not fly, simple, why the hell do we the general public have to bow down to all these so-called Offences.
Neither TWR, the company runs the airline. They have decided that it works for them and their shareholders. A commercial decision, nothing more, nothing less.

Personally, i couldn't give a monkeys. I'm more concerned that the pilot lands the plane safely.
When you're flying that close to Allah, why take the chance?

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