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Have You Ever Lied About Something To Get Time Off Work?

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tiggerblue10 | 00:13 Sat 06th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers


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Tigger's link reminds me of this idiot footballer:
01:01 Sat 06th Apr 2013
Of course not....
Yes, Once I phoned up work to say my washing machine had broken and I was paddling around in 2" of water, I could not come in til the mechanic had fixed it.... When really I was going to 'Lakeside' to buy a wedding Ooutfit.
They do not know the truth to this day. (I think)

an ex.boss used to go to the same beach every wednesday,well known by all staff,yet 1 played 'hookey' went to aforesaid place & who did she bump into?
No. I even feel guilty when I have to phone in with a genuine reason !
Yep, but only because I wouldn't say the real reason.
Hell yes, not quite as extreme as the one in your link but I've thrown quite a few "sickies" in my time :-)
No, never.
Oh not that I can really think of. My husband was working with a guy a few years ago who pulled a sickie . . . to go fishing and he got swept away and drowned. They never found his body. True story :(
I'm sure I'm perfectly capable of doing so but I don't think I've ever needed to, not in recent memory anyway... Maybe when I was younger and a bit more feckless.
Tigger's link reminds me of this idiot footballer:
A lot of people now have been stupid enough to phone work pretending to be sick and then boast about it on FaceBook.
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I will admit to pulling one or 2 sickies when I was a lot younger but not in the last 10 years or so. My conscience won't allow it anymore and when I am really ill and call in sick I spend all day feeling guilty about not going in.

I knew a girl at work a few years ago who had 6 grandparents who died within the space of a year. I suppose 2 could have been greatgrandparents but it all seemed a bit fishy to me.
I once went out with a guy who, every time I stayed over, he would phone would in the morning and come out with the most ridiculous excuses I've ever heard.
He gran had died (awful, I know), he'd fallen down the stairs, his cat had just got ran over and he had to rush it to the vets... and so on.

I'm surprised he never got the sack, to be honest.
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Is that a UFO in your avatar MM or are you just pleased to see TWR ;o)
You have to have a good memory to be a liar! Lying It does not work.
Lol. Yeah, he's like a little ray of sunshine :)

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