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Slades Beard

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Canary42 | 07:12 Sun 07th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Ah, that sounds quite a rare badge I thought, patting myself on the back.

No chance, over 800 awarded :-(


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best answer and badges seem to have gone by the by, perhaps he who should be obeyed is still sleeping...
just looked, i have one, what it is.. x x
Slade's Beard, awarded for a Christmas post outside of December. I've got one, awarded on the 17th of December. :o)
I thought it was just given to those with facial accoutriments :)

(runs away followed by thrown items)
Same day as I got mine vulcan!
I've got one as well, yet don't seem to have any posts in the Christmas section. Never mind, I've also got a ten year service badge that I certainly haven't earned. :-)

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