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Ever Idly Searched For 'friends' You Haven't Seen For Years

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hc4361 | 23:06 Sat 06th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
And found them?

Why on earth do I do it? Rake up people I knew once upon a time on FaceBook or Google, find them and have no intention of contacting them?

I don't stalk them or anything sinister, just look at the pics of them and their family and remember the 'good old, bad old days', and sort of smile to see things seem to have worked out okay for them.


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The nutter who contacted me through Friends Reunited was someone I'd seen occasionally up until about 1990.
I was persuaded to meet her, picked her up as she had no transport, brought her to my house and gave her lunch. Enjoyed an afternoon chatting about the old times etc..................the following day she rang me and accused me of having an affair with her husband!!
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Very sensible, CD. Blerdy weirdos
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But did you, Craft?
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That pictures so pretty craft :c)

You say weirdo, people who know me say 'anti-social, grumpy mare'.... potato/potarto eh? ;o)
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Nooo, the people who contacted are weirdos, CD. Not you
God hc one of the reasons I stopped seeing her years ago was her husband, he could only be described as neanderthal.
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Ugg uggg, Craft.

Some women find that attractive in a man
I love CD..............she's not really grumpy.
Sssshhhh.... I've got a rep to protect...
I've left her my wet room in my will, unfortunately the daughter gets the rest of the house..............
I hope she likes sharing....
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I found a couple of class mates and we chatted for a while, bul like Prudie says after a couple of excited email, we dried up as we had all moved on in different directions. And I gave up on FR after they changed the whole concept of it, awful now!
A couple of years ago I was contacted by a girl I sat next to on our first day at school when we were 5 years old.
We are still in touch but what miffs me is when she saw a photo of me, she said I haven't changed a bit. I must have been very haggard looking for a 5 year old
Not that I recall, but then again having been to numerous schools during my life, I can say that usually no-one really impacted me as being worth remembering as a "friend". Can't even remember any of their names, so it'd be a real bind to "try" and find them, and I've more useful things to do than waste it on FB/Twitter, etc
I've looked for a couple of friends from way back and found them on FB. Just was curious to see how things had turned out for them. But I then got worried that they would somehow know that I had looked at their page and felt a bit embarrassed, not done it again since.
I searched for the names of two girls I knew over 40 years ago. Never thought that googling would produce either, since I only had their maiden names. One turned out to be a philosophy professor in a French university; when I knew her she was just taking the French equivalent of A levels; and the other was a professor of music in a British university; when I knew her she was an aspiring concert pianist. My curiosity satisfied, I was uncertain whether to write to either, and haven't. Perhaps I should, without revealing the creepy fact that I only found them by googling.
On the other hand is there anyone that you can't face looking up because you haven't moved on enough to deal with where they are now? I have one ex like that - I've never googled or looked for him on FB because even years down the road it would agitate me.

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