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Is Everyone Having A Good Sunday?

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queenofmean | 15:16 Sun 07th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
I'm not been stuck in bed all day - I've realised how starving I am but I can't manage food :( Sitting watching Disney films to pass time


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Too much roly poly...last you're better wisnae me Tony...a big boy dun it and ran away......honest. snigger...
16:35 Sun 07th Apr 2013
remarkably well thanks, we have:

a rather large cache of early nineteenth century humber maps

at last, a final decision about what the bathroom layout on the barge looks like - with no added violence

a happy two year grandchild with a new panda toy and a ladybird chair

yeessh, did I ever think I'd post any of that??

There's a certain spring in my step. We've had two days sunshine. Will it last? I hope so!
Life takes you by surprise Sloopy.....x
surely does gness, roll with it's always worked for me ;)
I had a lovely day doing not much at all. My sis also came over to paint my toenails as it will soon be flip flop weather and I cant reach lol
Prick took his Pick
Cocked his Rock
Dicked his Trick
Knobbed the Job
His *** now Chequered
Barmaid got him on the Ballistrade.

I've had an excellent Sunday (for no F1!)

Just had a lazy day, listened to music, had a takeaway and watched Sound City which was absolutely amazing! If you are at all interested in REAL music, I urge you to see this movie. Just spectacular! I loved it
Me too, Sloopy. No good fighting and it throws up some amazing surprises if you let it. x

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