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Disposable Urine Bottle

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MrsLulu | 17:08 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
My daughter is an Activity Co-Ordinator in a care home. Today an elderly male was admitted to the home. My daughter had to show him how to use a disposable urine bottle. Would you say that was an activity?


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Shouldn't a nurse or care assistant have shown him how to use it? I wouldn't think something so personal would have been an activity coordinator's job.
17:11 Mon 08th Apr 2013
What does her contract lay down as her role at work?
not in the sense of activity co-ordinator, no. However, if someone needs to know how to use a bottle, and someone else knows - why not show them?
Shouldn't a nurse or care assistant have shown him how to use it? I wouldn't think something so personal would have been an activity coordinator's job.
No I wouldn't say it was an activity, however it's preferable your daughter showed him how to use it if there was no-one else available. While it's not ideal I'm sure it didn't hurt her and helped the gentleman in question.
Sometimes all you need is common sense.
No, If you are a carer it's a part of your duty. (Activity Co-Ordinator) Has she Added this to her Duty's?
Someone's taking the piss
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//someone's taking the piss//
You are right Hopkirk, and it was my daughter who took it:)
No, she should go to her Union and call all Activity Co-ordinators out on strike. Ditto the Carers as they're having their jobs pinched.

Get real, for goodness sake.

I couldn't resist the temptation.
did your daughter do it reluctantly, or was she comfortable with it?
Hopkirk, you beat me to it. MrsLulu, I think your daughter's sense of humour will improve rapidly with such inmates, I bet he is lethal at poker...
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Excelsior_1 - Yes,my daughter was quite comfortable doing it as she is a qualified carer herself. However, she is now the activity co-ordinator as mentioned.

Canary42 - //Get real for goodness sake//
This particular home is always understaffed. My daughter helps out a lot doing caring although her job IS activity co-ordinator. I merely asked a question.
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jomifl, they do get lots of laughs. One old girl has just turned 99 and is quite deaf. A while ago a young choir came in to entertain the residents and this old girl wanted to know "what the f@@@ was going on". They had to wheelher out the lounge smartly.
Sorry Mrs lulu

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