Where do I start ?
Political cartoons are nearly always parodies and, unlike Disney, don't have to be funny. Steve Bell is just the same as most other political cartoonists in that he usually wickedly funny, even a bit cruel at times.
He portrays Cameron as enclosed in a large condom, with the teat protruding out of the top of his head. Osbourne is normally shown as appearing in bondage gear, with a small bum sticking out of his nose.
His portrayal of Blair is even crueller, as can be seen below.
In this today's cartoon Bell is giving the impression of crocodile tears, coming from the Front Bench, while concentrating on the unwise attempts by Osbourne to link the Philpotts being on welfare, with the murder
( sorry, manslaughter) of the six children. Osbournes comments have been widely decried by lots of people, including the members of the Liberal party that they are in coalition with. Even Heseltine was somewhat unenthusiastic about the remarks.
Before anybody starts to winge and complain about the Guardian not being the Daily Mail, Bell has been just as ruthless on members of previous Labour administrations, and indeed the current opposition Front Bench.
As you can see from the next few examples :::