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A Week!

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TWR | 10:47 Fri 12th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
If I am right??? a lot of us on here are either retired, out of work, ( That's not an insult in case you think) on shifts, how many hours per day / week do you spend on A.B.?


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I work quite a lot of hours a week (full-time and a half, as I call it!). At home, I'm on and off the computer in between housework etc, but I probably spend more time on it than I realise
I put in a 40-hour week here - it's boring but the pay is good.
I work two and a half days a week but I spend a lot of time on here. I did promise myself that I would cut down but you get involved with things and it's difficult to turn it off!

Mostly, I'm on here whilst my husband is watching sport of some kind...........He watches a lot of sport.
Tilly - ditto
We should get together, Psybbo!

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