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Fao Boxtops

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bednobs | 21:16 Sat 13th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
hiya, i was wondering how your new job was going - do you like it?


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sorry, I didn't see this last night.

Well...... it's more of the same job really, more work (of course) and tight deadlines but with less people to do it, and different rules (and we don't know what half of them are yet :-)

It sounds like you are treated like a mushroom inn your new job....;-)
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mine is ok - i am working on the retrospective claims for continuing health care. Because the govt cut off point for claims has gone, there is a finite amount of work (hence the temp nature of the job) although they said six months, there are over 1000 claims to look at so i think it will be longer (despite the fact there are 4 of us doing it). At a guess only less that 10% will be eligible, so it's going to be a lot of saying no to people who want me to say yes :(
I went on a course last week with someone from continuing care - she was saying the same as you - the answer is either yes or no, you either meet the criteria or you don't..... hard if you don't.
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i think it hasn't helped that about 60% of the claimants have solicitors acting for them - the solicitors have raised theri expectations

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Fao Boxtops

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