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mrs_overall | 10:03 Sun 14th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Mr O has been asked to run a course which means he will be away from home for a month. I am used to this and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. What DOES bother me is that the venue is Nigeria, one of the least safe countries on the planet.
How would you feel about this if you were in my shoes?


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Sqad - definitely :-)

Heaven forfend, some women even contribute more in salary than their menfolk to the household purse these days... :-)
Pasta i am the one and only and i am also bouncer in the ab hotel so tread carefuly with me or you will get barred."

Jordyboy, you're a dog!!?
In case he does decide to go, I know someone who goes to Afghanistan as part of a communications company who gets paid a similar amount. He and his family were pretty reluctant to start with but he's been over several times now and is very much more relaxed about it. Basically if you stick to what you are told you are unlikely to come to grief of your security is properly set up but I would probably try to persuade someone I loved not to go too. xx
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I could always persuade him to stay....bring bertha along....with her pink furry handcuffs....he'll submit to my Boston crab for sure....then we can imprison him at nungate towers till it's too late to go !!
Lord Minty...I'm beginning to think MrO would be safer going......even with me.. ;-) x

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