My appointment today was supposed to be my last time at the laser clinic. I had the last round of laser treatment weeks ago and today was the final check up. Disaster! First I had a doctor I'd never met before and she wasn't sure what was going on with my eyes so she went for her boss, who came in and was rude and overbearing, and I got all emotional. He said I still need more treatment and wanted me to have retinal photos taken, I told them I didn't have time for that today as my dad had taken me and he needed to get back ready for work, they went on about my eyes and did I know the importance of this treatment. I've been having this treatment for almost a year now I am well aware of the consequences of missing this treatment, and they kept on and on about my diabetes care etc., and less about me as a whole person. My mum has spoken to the eye hospital and we're going to lodge a complaint and I also want a second opinion, preferably from two doctors who have actually been treating me and not two total strangers who only know me from notes! Thanks for letting me get this off my chest! Feel a bit better now but I still want to kick something!!!
Stuff them Qeenofmean. No-one has the right to make you feel like rubbish and certainly not about your diebetes control when they are not your usual doctors. Try making voodoo dolls- works for me :) xx
I know Tony, I have never felt the way I did today before. It never occurred to me at the time to demand a second opinion. I actually feel for our sitting room door aswell, the amount of times I nearly took it off its hinges (yes I was THAT mad).
I've never been impressed with them Sib but today was the last straw.
That's the thing Charlie, I've seen only two doctors in the course of my laser treatment both have been extremely nice and caring. They know me and take my little foibles into consideration (I'm a total wimp)
Your eyes are important! Dont let them rush you!I am diabetic too so i know what you are going through.They should be reassuring you and making you feel comfortable, it would then be a lot easier for them and for you!I can understand you wanting to see the people who have already treated you, they know you as a person!You only get one pair of eyes and you want the best treatment.Hope all goes well for you!
Wimp, I don't suppose you are a diabetic with a needle phobia - Queenie has!
(she's been a diabetic since she was 2 and has always been awkward around needles!)