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queenofmean | 14:49 Wed 17th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Curiosity has got the better of me - do you own a pair of Avarcas?


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I'd have thought him a sandals & socks man.
He has no pets at all.
I'd guess he does. I have some, red ones, from Menorca, wear them all the time
He has loads of cats, not sure about a Avarcas
Do you wish to borrow them?
I have a pet Agouti named Alfie.
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I have a couple of pairs Prudie - the last pair I bought sadly don't fit :( lovely shade of pale blue - not to worry might be off to Menorca next summer, so will buy loads :)
They're actually really comfy, great to slob about in but look quite cool IMO (apart from the tourist ones with the sparkly motifs)
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I totally agree with you there Prudie. I have a pair that I have had for about 8 years and they are sooooooo comfy, the ones I have just now are fabby do's

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