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Drop In Expences Etc.

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TWR | 14:06 Thu 18th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Having seen the cut backs in Benefits / Funding / Is it not time the the M.P's. Should encourage the public by cutting their own Fiddles / Expenses / wages to help the Purse? or is that too much to ask of our Servants?


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I thought MPs got ~£65k. Either way I do not think it is a particularly large salary for what they do.

I am frequently baffled by the Bash the MP threads, they are elected by the people - if you don't like how they are performing vote for someone else.
Sqad yes i second that
oh for a managerial job in the nhs......
I do Eccles, but they never get in.
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Do you get that an year? They have A subsidised drinks bar / meals, have you?
yesterday....all my troubles seemed so far away....:-)
Just how hard do most of them work. Whenever I view their workplace the majority are absent (and don't give me all that rubbish about away working for their constituents).
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Anyway Eccles, keep you nose on your Hols, we are here freezing lol
Yes I did, to both your questions TWR.
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A cruise?
I was responding to your 14.29 post TWR.

I'm nowhere near old enough for the cruise scene ;-)
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lol lol enjoy.

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