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'have' Not 'do'

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lankeela | 13:48 Thu 18th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
When did the word 'do' replace the word 'have'? There are two adverts on at present Ariel and BT where they say 'I do' and 'you do' instead of 'I have' and 'you have' - nonsense.


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I have to admit to using the phrase "a bunch of arse" ... just seems so useful on occasion
I was in the pub the other day. A youngster said to the barman "Can I get a pint of Fosters?" The barman replied "No you certainly cannot. I'll get it for you if that's what you want"

There's all sorts or stupid nonsense uttered. Large companies are just as guilty: "Come in and GRAB a coffee"; "GRAB your lunch". How uncouth can you get?

There is a fine line between language developing and plain bad usage or bad grammar. Most of the examples quoted in this question are of the latter variety.
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Another of my pet hates - Question How are you? Answer Yes, good.

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'have' Not 'do'

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