Most jobs seem to want people with lots of experience. I have done factory work in the past . It seems that its all agency work now with no real prospect of permanent work. What i'm after is some suggestions of work i could do with no experience, to get a little bit of income coming in. I am looking at night school courses to get some skills, but would like a little part time job to tide me over. Any suggestions please?
If you did something like volunteering in a charity shop for a couple of months you'd then have shop work and till work experience, or is there anything you could do to work for yourself?
I am mags and i do devote my time to her i would just like a few hours a week while she is at school, she is ten years old almost 11. I would like to set an example and show her that working hard is a commendable thing to do, and to be a positive role model . I like the charity shop idea
yes, Sara there was a part time admin job, however i have no office experience and they required that. I have also put my name down as a lunchtime supervisor . They have a waiting list can you believe that?.
Very often you can be flexible with shifts and hours, I done it, I loved the work, im now working learning dis. but I really miss my work with the elderly, especially the dementia.