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Why Do Atheists Feel The Need To Let Everyone Know That They Don't Worship God?

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goodlife | 08:48 Wed 17th Apr 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
66 Answers
All people are inclined to worship someone or something, even if it is one’s own self.


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Goodlife, do our own research and don't hide behind evasive wording We all know that 'some' in reality means 'hardly any' or 'more than one....possibly''
I am an atheist - let me open with that.

I have not been approached by a JW down here in the SW. "Thank God!"

Prove your statement, goodlife.

Actually, in your case, I would surmise that there was only 1 JW in your congregation, you. God wouldn't be there as there isn't one; it's a manipulative figment of manipulation designed to control fellow man and explain the unexplainable historically....
@Goodlife Ahh ok, thanks for the clarification. So of those 700 a day that you claim, what proportion would be atheist according to your source? Any muslims? Any Jews? Is this an estimated global estimate? If so,from which continent are most of the converts coming?

I reject that figure as propaganda though, unless you have any independent evidence to support it.

A quarter of a million converts a year is simply unbelieveable

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Actually do show us the Watchtower claim as well as proper proof - we want to see how outrageous it is and then the degree to which your Holy Beloved Brainwashing Officers contravene the Ten Commandments, especially "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour."

Thanks for your assistance in this
birdie & DTC, I admire your patience and optimism.

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