I have a friend to whom I was talking to last night - and her and I had not spoken for about 2 weeks. She is a very repetitive person but anyway she was asking about my health and for every single thing that is wrong with me at the moment - "she has it too" - isn't there a name for that - it is not hypochondriac nor psymsomatic (think that is spelt wrong) it is like that every single time.
A colleague at work is very irritating. If I have a headache, she has a migraine; when I have a cold she has the flu. She'll feed information from people then use it to exaggerate her 'illness'. At lunch, she will lay out her tablets on the table in full view of everyone (usually only piriton or paracetamol, but when it's antibiotics we all know about it!), and make sure everyone is looking when she HAS to take her pills!
Psychosomatic's not the right term, IMO - she sounds like she gets a kick out of being more ill than anyone else. Not a well lady - poor self-esteem, this is her way of bring attention to herself.
"psy·cho·so·mat·ic (sk-s-mtk)
1. Of or relating to a disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes.
2. Relating to or concerned with the influence of the mind on the body, and the body on the mind, especially with respect to disease: psychosomatic medicine."