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Who Remembers The Old Ab

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Slooow_Jo | 03:44 Sat 20th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
once upon time chatterbank got closed down, we had to search high n low for places to chat! we ended up in sites that didn't understand us (cerecape) & others that did (froggers) but it was never the same again :(
9 years now since I discovered AB but its not the same!


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When the original, original CB started,it was brilliant. Really fast paced, and really funny and relatively free from troublemakers, then it turned to crap, so was taken from us.
I remember the oldies from the early days...I am not going to name them..they are probably still here with different names !!!
I remember the old AB having some real unpleasant characters, I'm so glad they gone!!
Nawww Ratter ,the original CB predates even those!
Ah ha - the conclusion: here's a case of the AOG "Things were never as good as when I was younger and growing up" factor.............
You wouldn't have stood a chance DT .AOG is a pussy compared to some of the old CB'ers .
I know he's a pussy cat, just like LIK....haven't seen him on here for a while
\\\\You wouldn't have stood a chance DT .AOG is a pussy compared to some of the old CB'ers . \\\

LOL....true, very true. BUT, the troublemakers were then, overt, now, many covert troublemakers, ..........just watch your back.
It's OK sqad shoulders are quite broad ....for a woman :)
I don't suppose much stays exactly the same after 9 years! I wasn't around for the original CB so don't remember it.

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