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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:16 Mon 22nd Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Monday again.

The sun is almost up. One load of washing on the line, one in the machine, all work done. the rest of the day is mine! Wonderful :o}


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Morning Boaty, we've over in animals pondering on your late-ness xx
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Morning again albs .xxx Explanation above! :o}
Morning to all - looks like your washing may be getting wet if it was on the line down here, boaty. Dark grey out there at the moment and that isn't because of the hour....useless info, we are 18 minutes behind London when it comes to sun-up and sun-down.

Car in for the MoT today and annual service/pre-check first, therefore twiddling my thumbs in Truro this morning and lunch time, though I will write, once armed with the pre-requisite coffee. One or two small jobs to do as well.
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Morning DT. I've got the day to myself now too.

We are on minty's thread in the zoo this morning. :o}
what plonker put GMEB over there?
its not the official GMEB thread. Only boaty should be allowed to post it!
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Morning booldawg. They usually wait for me but if I'm late, as I was this morning, one of them will kick off for me and hold the tiller until I arrive. But thanks for the support. :o}
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Time to be elsewhere. Have a happy day everyone.
morning everyone, glad to see you back albs I am in sunny Somerset well not so sunny today, come to stay with my pal Roma the shar pei lady and 4 shar peis, 1 rottw,6 chickens , 3 goats, 2 sheep, 2 baby orphan lambs,and a calf + me and Minnie our sharpie/staffy cross. Lots of feeding to do and things to keep me busy,really nice to get away after the last few weeks.
minty hows your dad ?

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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