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No sorry Andy I can't let some of what you have said go away without me speaking in my own defence.
/// AOG - " know damn well ..." is inappropriate language to a lady, to say nothing of adopting an aggresive tone, and as someone who is a stickler for good manners on here, I expect better of you. ///
"Inappropriate language to a lady" Once again I think you are being rather patronising to the fairer sex, especially when the lady herself never personally took me to task over the matter, but it was you who chose to blow the whole affair out of proportion as well as de-railing this OP off track.
Had I have used more insulting expletives I would agree with you, but on a site like this, I do not think that in these days of equality female members cannot expect any different treatment than others, especially when most on this site can give as good as it takes, and are not slow to aim insults at myself.
Aggressive tone? As I have already said how can anyone assume the 'tone' aggressive or otherwise, from the typed word?
/// If you spoke to my wife in that tone I would request an apology then and there - I would not have my wife spoken to like that. ///
There you go again, obviously on a one to one basis, I would not 'SPEAK' to your wife like that or anyone else's for that matter, but when one is speaking to a personal friend or even one's own wife, then such a word would not be taken in that context by them, that you have obviously taken it in.
/// Sorry AOG, but if you choose to use 'robust' expressions in your posts without thought, then you must accept that others do the same - you cannot expect to be all sensitive and put-upon as you so often do, when you use the occasional inappropriate and provocative responses that lead you to fall out with more people on here than the rest of the regulars put
together. ///
I am afraid not everyone agrees with you, see the post I have chosen as the best answer.
Yes when I entered this site many years ago, it had a much better class of membership than it seems to have today, I am regularly abused, name called, insulted, just for the very fact that I happen to prefer the Daily Mail web site for my news source, Called fascist, racist, homophobic, an EDL far-right winger or even sexist if I happen to enter news reports on these subjects,
so it is not unreasonable for me to defend myself
You know as well as anyone that this site tends to lean to the 'Left' and anyone with different views are treated as some form of low life, and I for one is not prepared to take it all lying down.
And if you still do not believe me, it is not hard to enter my profile to see definite proof of what I have said.
But now you have set yourself up as the Answerbanks "correcter of inappropriate language", I will be monitoring your progress to make sure that it is not just one-sided biased, and in return I will not be the first to issue insults, unless they are in my own defence of those thrown at me.