I have had enough of Outlook email ( transferred from Hotmail ) and was on the point of downloading GMX when I had a second thought.
I also have a Sky email account. Is it possible to read and send emails, using my hotmail address through my Sky account?
I could just use the Sky account but didn't really want to have to change everything that has an address/password relationship.
Thank you in anticipation
I just access the hotmail site directly, I dont understand why people are having so many problems, I dont think much has changed with it. It cant be any easier can it?
I have been arbitarily transferred to Outlook and all my efforts to go back have failed. I am informed that Hotmail is closing and that all accounts will be transferred in due course. If I could go back I would, like a shot. I was totally happy with my Hotmail service, but I am not happy with Outlook.