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4nnabanana | 22:40 Wed 18th Jan 2006 | Adverts
4 Answers

Can anyone tell me the music for the new AOL Discuss advert. It has George Orwell in it and a baby looking through a magnifying glass and a voiceover by John Hurt.



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The songs called

'In Paradisum'

Not sure the exact version though as there are loads, i know there is one on an inspector morse soundtrack and on the 28 days later soundtrack, the latter is most similar too the ad.


The Song is called "In Paradisum" And it's sung by The Choirboys on the Album The Choirboys.

Sorry ignore the choirboys version it starts off the same then it's awful, i think the aol version may be a version without the choir.
As the man says it's In Paradisum. It's the last section of the Requiem by Faure - though the original is a choral work and this is a synthesised version done for the ad

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