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Happy Birthday To Abstibus

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mrs_overall | 08:01 Sat 20th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Hope you have a fab day xx


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Happy Birthday Anne

Have a great day

dave xx
Many happy returnes, Anne - have a lovely Birthday x
Many Happy Returns,have a good day.
Happy Birthday abstibus
Happy birthday Abstibus, have a lovely day and be worried that she cares
Hi Abstibus...have a lovely birthday...Gx.
Happy birthday, Astibus. Dare I ask how the clock saga is progressing?:)
Happy Birthday Abstibus x
Happy birthday. Hope you had a fabulous day.

(not familiar with your name, don't know if I know you)
Thanks everyone for all the good wishes. Had a lovely day.
Stewey - would you believe the clockmaker rang me today. He had mis-dialled my home number and eventually found my mobile no.

society - I was annemollie in a previous life. Wish I still was! Usually to be found on boaty's GM thread.
Thanks, Abstibus. Let me know how things work out...Cheers.

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