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There's A Lot Going On Here

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Gran67 | 21:50 Tue 23rd Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
It's very confusing but it's lively. the latest post confuse me, it keeps jumping. when I click on a heading that looks interesting it changes and it takes me to another topic.


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Hi - It will take you to the topic that question is in.
Gran, I've had that happened to me also, that is, clicking on one topic and landing on a completely different one. So many strange things happening to/for me with AB. I give up complaining to ED.
Sometimes when there is a lot of posting I hover over something in latest posts but by the time I click it has changed and I get a surprise....x
I think the problem is that you aim for one thread and just as you go to click on it it updates and you get the one behind the one you wanted, makes life more interesting!
@ Baldy and Gness, that make sense.
I've never had that happen :-(

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