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Cold Calling

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maggiebee | 23:24 Fri 26th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Phone rang tonight and I answered.

"We're doing a survey, could I ask you a few questions?"

"Sorry, I'm in the middle of dinner with friends"

"Oh right, but could I ask you a few questions"

???? ??? Air slightly blue!


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We;ve been plagued at work with calls from PPI, bank charge refund and pension release companies, the call starts with a recording asking you to press 5, i've tried speaking to these people and when they come online and ask my name i say W. H. Smith and hang up.
I was at my sisters house once when her phone rang. She slammed it down after yelling 'I haven't got time'.
I asked who it was, and she said "a heavy breather"
Never forgotten it!
I can't do links but a Laurel & Hardy scene comes to mind. The phone rings and Stan answers it and says "It certainly is" and puts the phone down. Ollie says "What was that about?" Stan says "Someone said 'long distance from Georgia'
I get about 5 a day, phone rings... Answer it... "hello"... Nothing for a few seconds then "hello sir how are you today"....Me..." Could you hold on for just a second?"..."yes no problem", then I leave the phone next to the dog with one of his biscuit treats
These callers are just attempting to earn a living: I just say "No thank you", and then hang up. There is no reason for animosity, there?
I always say "I don't have time to talk right now, but thanks for calling" and immediately hang up. So I am rudely polite, or politely rude.
you may think there is no reason for animosity,but the silent pause, cold calling calls, completely freak out and cause a lot of stress to older people. My mother hated them,and like my older neighbour, i could never allay their fears that it wasn't personal. Sometimes you have to have to think how it all ripples out

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