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wolf63 | 07:41 Sat 27th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Just found this clip on YouTube. Policeman saves a guy who tries to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train. It could have gone badly but he saved the guy.


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Bloody hell.

Do you think the police officer knew what was going to happen?
it appears to me that the policeman suspected the man might try to jump

he is clearly watching him very carefully, probably alerted by the man's unusual behaviour
Looks a bit set up IMO. Policeman was too quick as if he expected it and after catching him, you would think he would have kept him there for a while to calm him down not frogmarch him off !! sorry
I thought the same, Excel, his body language was being observed.

It was nice how he walked him away. He was kinda cuddling him.
He didn't frogmarch him off, he walked him away from danger. You don't think they'll just send him on his way, do you? He was getting him away from the danger. I'm sure they'd get him somewhere safe and call the psychs...
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The Police Officer reacted really quickly. I think that it is legit as it would be too dangerous to fake the incident.

I hope the guy appreciates what the Officer did for him - after he gets treatment.
The officer definitely knew what he was going to do. They were probably observing him on CCTV.
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Down to body language?
Yep....They've seen it many times before. Body language tells you thinks the mouth doesn't say.

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