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Not Fed Up, Not Fed Up, Not Fed Up

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sunny-dave | 09:10 Sat 27th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
... it's a lovely day, I've got my health, my dogs are going to get a nice walk and then I shall have beer for lunch ...

So today I am definitely (even more than usually) sunny dave



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Easy Dave, you're dazzling
09:11 Sat 27th Apr 2013
I think I would be very 'Fed up' if I'd been to a mates funeral in last 24 hrs!
tackling at least six loads of ironing (yes, yes, i know neglected for a while, so what) and still not fed up.
Watching the Ronnie O'Sullivan/Ali Carter snooker match whilst, purportedly working, having seen family friends at lunch time, the sun out now in the garden but a little on the parky side, fire to be lit shortly - well, in an hour or so, when afternoon tea beckons.

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