Radio Times Prize Crossword 18 Tuesday April 23Rd 2013 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Radio Times Prize Crossword 18 Tuesday April 23Rd 2013

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robert551069 | 12:08 Tue 23rd Apr 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Please can you solve the wordfinder clue for me?
The letters I have are:- H E L G V M E I A L but one or more of these must be wrong.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Thank you Baldric for your prompt and helpful answer. I have never heard of, or watched, "The Village"
You're doing a Radio Times crossword and you've never heard of The Village? Yeah, right.
Perhaps robert buys it just for the crossword quizmonkey.

I've only ever heard of it in an advert/trailer, never seen it.
The Village is a brilliant series, especially for anyone interested in social history. It's based on the memories of childhood of a man who has just reached 100 years and deals with his childhood during 1914-18 war. The scenery, casting and acting are superb! Well done BBC.

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Radio Times Prize Crossword 18 Tuesday April 23Rd 2013

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