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All This Time ?

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anneasquith | 14:46 Sun 28th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
all this time on AB ive been winking :) when i thought i was smiling !!!!!!!!


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Oh dear. Who have you been winking at, anne?
wink with a smile is nice ;-D
You are so naughty, anne, but we love you.......
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tilly. ive been winking at nearly everybody :)
Do you really think we noticed?
I'm sure you're forgiven you little winker ;-)
No wonder everybody likes you then, anne
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grass. eh no !
Your posts dont need smiley faces as your kind words always convey happiness.
You can wink (and smile) at me, anne, any time you like.
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oh i or do i not detect a wee bit of sarcasm ? grass ;0

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