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Ever Misread A Situation?

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mrs_overall | 09:57 Mon 29th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Scenario: after a pleasant evening out I decided to walk home and was passing the fish quay. I saw a man sitting on a fish box and as I neared him he stood up and turned to face me. Two things struck me - the fact that he was nearly seven foot tall and he was holding an large knife with what looked like a wickedly sharp blade. In a nano second I realised I could not run in my heels so I decided to throw myself in the harbour to escape. I was just about to launch myself into the water when he said "excuse me love, would you like some cod to take home?"


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Yeah, I got the feeling he said that to everyone on the ward.

murray.....what "beans?"
rofl at some of the replies.

i was meeting a friend (male) for a chat and a drink before he went home to somerset and wife. i stood outside the tube station, and as ajoke so he thought, he came up behind me and said "how much?". i swung round and hit him as hard as i could his head with handbag and then followed it by kneeing him in the goolies.
we are still friends buti've noticed he never approaches me from behind.

\\\ for a chat and a drink before he went home to somerset and wife.\\

Yeah! right.
best chat up line i've heard for a long while
yes sqad. not all like you. passing through london on way home to west country from a tour of duty.
Question Author
lol @ ladyj
Lol @ sqad.
Lol @ you all lolling

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