Queenie...nun....sorry...think I know of whom you talk.....lasswade road ??? Came past it Thursday on way home .....if that's the one..she would not have known about it.....I have lost so many from school days in tragic circs....hard to accept at that age....lost a friend 31 young child ....3 weeks ago....found on kitchen floor no sign of illness just dropped...Will be coroner's inquiry....still can't believe it.......look forward to our day in town......
would it be an idea to give some hint of the condolences being sent by AB membrs. that girls poor parents must be in the most awful state of shock and disbelief and unhappiness.
minty that sounds so terrible. there isn't much to say when something like that happens. pat from the effect it must be having on her friends i was thinking of her family. they must be devastated.