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I'll Force Myself :-(

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gness | 11:12 Tue 30th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
The daughter of a close friend is to be married soon. I offered to help in any way with the preparations....well you do, don't you.
I have just been invited to spend the weekend with them...tasting and choosing wines for the reception......
I guess I can make the effort.......Whoohooooo. :-) x


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It's a hard life gness! A cr@ppy job, but someone has to do it. Fair play to you accepting :D
What could possibly go wrong? Sounds like a set up for an Ealing comedy with you involved Gness.
Oh poor you. That'll learn you not to offer.
Oh no, how on earth would you manage? You might need help with your leg not being well. Would you like me to accompany you? :) x
I am gobsmacked.

You have a friend?????? xx
Sometime we have to take responsibility for our actions.
Now remember the rules
Make sure you've had your drinking boots soled and heeled, and put your drinking head on.

1. If you are not sure of a wine, then ask what it's going to go with, possibly a sample food taste too? but if not possible, always try the wine at least twice - I mean, you've GOT to sure.

Fill yer boots!
Agreed, you can't get a true impression from just one bottle, you need to compare at least two to be sure, to be sure ;o)
I did that at the weekend Gness. Unfortunately, we all go so rat***d, none of us can remember which wines we liked.
I am also available this weekend gness.
Oh how tough.....can I come too?
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Oi!! MrsO...Look at all these people who want to come with me! See! I have friends...well two anyway... :-) x

Fill my boots, Spikey? Wish my feet were bigger than size 2... :-( x
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Three now....x
Hey, remember your bestest friend is here to help, just shout.........
OMG gness,life's a bitch,when faced with a dilemma such as this !
Just make sure you bring your wine spittoon with you , or you might be embarrising your self and others before you get to the last bottle - hic, hic , hic .....
Hey gness, can I do the beer tasting ?.
They have hen nights and stag nights not goat nights!
Oi cheeky minx. ^^^^^^^^
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Life is a bitch when you've mislaid the solid silver spittoon...will a builder's bucket do?
The more the merrier Psyb......Hi Tony....course you can....

Off to Front of House at the theatre now....listen out for.....Tonight there was an incident in a Kettering theatre involving a 30 gallons of ice cream and a party of pensioners........x
Has the A&E, been informed, gness ?.

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I'll Force Myself :-(

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