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I Nearly Lost My Dinner

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slinky.kate | 17:39 Wed 01st May 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
pouring macaronni at the sink and the lid moved and i lost half the macca,just as well i'm dining on my own or there would not have been eneugh.i done that once before with spaghetti and i had guests in for dinner


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that'll teach you to concentrate. make up the missing portion with a sandwich as you're on your own.x
Leave the faucet running for a bit so the macaroni would wash down the pipe. You don't want it to clump together and clog the pipe under the sink.
i've made mexican fajitahs and they were lovely, washing it down with B & C now as no work until next tuesday!!!
I've done that a couple of times so now use a collander. More washing up but at least no waste...
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Why on earth didn't you pick it up from the sink and use it?
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i had eneugh left for myself,if i'm hungry later i will make toast and marmite
i'll be round later. see ya.

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