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I have just watched a TV program that featured a woman taking her driving test for the 20th time.

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Impret-Sir | 14:15 Thu 19th Jan 2006 | Motoring
19 Answers
As I watched her stutter round the test course I had the thought that there should be a limit on how many tests you can take, maybe 10 or even 6. I think that if it takes you 20 attempts to pass, then you have no buisness being on the road. Does anyone agree?


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I certainly do agree ! I would suggest that if the basic elements of car control don't come instinctively after a few hours of trying then that individual is never going to be really in control of a vehicle. Just like some people are 'tone deaf' I think that some others are 'driving unable'.

Sorry, but I cannot add anything. I'm speechless.

The trouble with the driving test and the training going up to it is that it has very little to do with actually driving ie car control steering etc, you learn how to actually "drive" in the first half hour or so. The rest is spent learning to pass the test. Ie conforming to what the examiner wants to see. A lot of which was designed in the dark ages and some of which is downright dangerous. I remember when err indoors first passed her test and I went out as a passenger I nearly sh1t myself at some of the things she was doing and had to bit my lip to avoid a "well that's how I've been taught" domestic row! So I would say just because someone has failed n times that's no reason to limit them to never doing another test. It's quite possible to fail on the most inoquous of things, not to mention the fabled quota system, ie I've passed enough today to all the rest must fail (myth?? maybe!). I think therefore that the current system is fine.

Yes, I definitely agree. Perhaps there is a case for insisting that drivers undergo some "off road" driving (by that I mean on a private, designated training ground, not through mud in a 4X4) before they are allowed amongst the rest of us.

Only when theyhave demonstrated that they have grasped the basic skills needed and passed a "preliminary" test, should they be allowed on public roads. You would then be allowed to drive only under supervision as at present.

I also think that such supervised driving should be in dual-controlled cars with qualified instructors and not just anyone who has a licence (who may well be a worse driver than the pupil!). After all, trainee aircraft pilots are not allowed to fly in an aircraft without duplicate controls and a qualified instructor.

I personally think the driving test should be harder and more vigorous. You should be assessed over the course of several lessons and not just on half an hours driving.
The final test should be really tough and even then you have a probation period after which you have another test. Then after that you must retake your test every 10 years or so (every 5 after 60). There are too many people ill equipped to drive on Britain's roads.
Let these cretins take the test as many times as they like - its better they go unqualified than badly qualified.
i dont think that's fair to say there should be a limit to how many tests you can take. i failed twice before passing my test and spend about �1,500 on learning. if there was a limit to how many tests you could take, think of all that money people will have wasted learning up until that point!! i do, however, agree with the over 60's taking their tests again every so many years coz those ******* annoy the hell out of me, it's as if they can't see you!

Personally I do think women should drive. FULL STOP. They are nothing but a hinderence to decent road users. They dither and stutter. Basically cars were invented by men for men.

Before the fairer sex harp on about "our insurance is cheaper, blah blah blah" It's because you never go above 20 mph to cause any damage.

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Blimey Ward-Minter, do you have a death wish??
I'm afraid I'm with Ward-Minter on this. If I had a quid for everytime I sat behind some bint weaving around trying to do her hair in the mirror I'd be loaded. The reason that they have fewer accidents compared to male drivers is that there aren't as many women driving. If you compare the number of accidents in terms of the demographic spread - women have more!
So just why do you say you think women should drive, Ward Minter? I cannot follow your thinking.

Watch it, Kirstyhev! I'm over 60. People of ALL ages should be retested every so often. And have you noticed that all the drivers who break the law by driving with their mobile phone held to their ear are aged below 60? Usually a good deal below 60, actually?

I think you might be onto something but you can't have an outright ban.

I'd suggest if you fail 3 times you should not be allowed a retake within 6 months

Loosehead...what kind of things was your wife taught that would be dangerous?
I do agree that there should be some form of basic training away from the public before they are allowed on the roads. To show they have control of a vehicle.
Where do you live were women drive at 20 mph? If I have a gripe about women drivers, it is that they drive too fast!!!! There again, perhaps many of you drive at 20mph over any speed limit and so those that drive at or close to the limit are dawdling !!
Re-test over sixties..... not a problem. I passed all my tests first time (Bike, Car and Class 1) and have been driving for a living all my working life and have never even had a parking ticket. So I may be over sixty but I know I would stand a better chance of passing any re-tests than many of the younger ( could'nt give a s%$t about anyone else on the road) drivers.
On the subject of re-tests I would suggest that the current driving test should just be treated as a simple 'first step' towards REALLY learning to drive. Allow people on the roads for a couple of years after passing the simple test, but impose severe restrictions on their speed during those first couple of years while they acquire someactual driving skills - like mandatory 70 limit as a maximum anywhere (and lower on some roads). I know that sounds unreasonably harsh, but then . . . Durng those first two or three years it should be insisted that the novice driver takes further training including passing the advanced driving test. At that point the driver should be considered capable of thinking for themselvesand thus speed limits could be treated as they are in Germany.

i am about to take my sixth driving test not having driven for 7 years due to a lack of confidence with a test examiner. i can drive perfectly well and with anyone else in the car i am fine, but put me in the car with bod and clipboard and i panic.

perhaps 20 is too many tho.

i agree that after so many years refreshers should be taken and especially for the elderly!!

I believe that, in Germany, you have 3 shots at it and you are out. No further attemps. Shaneystar might be able to correct me on this.

I think Germany has a ruling of 3 fails followed by a psychometric test, one more go and then a life ban as being of unsuitable aptitude.

Its common sense i you think about it, after all, how many attempts would a surgeon get at an op before he gets it right?

And whilst on the subject, I believe a refresher test every 5 years over the age of 50 should be mandatory along with eye and reaction check.

I know some 70 year olds who are quite alert and up to driving and some of 50 who are an accident waiting to happen!

After all, a licence is a privilege, not a right as some seem to think!

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helen have you considered HRT for that anger?

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I have just watched a TV program that featured a woman taking her driving test for the 20th time.

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