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What Was The Film Title

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Bob906 | 13:06 Sun 05th May 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Can anyone remember the name of a film that basically is a story of a submarine captain that after their mission told the crew to head for home knowing full well that there was nothing left in the place, it was as if the world had been taken over or something? Either by aliens or spores of something, all the human population had been wiped out.


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On the beach. A novel by Neville Shute made into a film.
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Spot on Jeza, i neglected to add that it was a film from way back but you found it, great work.

thank you
I read the book nigh on 50 years ago. It made a great impression on me.
Great scene at the end when they discovered the source of the Morse code transmission.

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What Was The Film Title

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