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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:06 Sun 05th May 2013 | ChatterBank
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How about this.
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aw shucks! Preferred Ringo's stuff to the other Beatles after the break up - so sue me! ;-)
C'mon, lets be rebels.
do you like this version?
For Queenie, if she looks in. LOL
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I'll pass that on Tony, though it's now official - he's left the navy! (though he will be held as a reserve for the next 6 years, just in case anything kicks off as it were...)
should have added that Queenie loves the Who by the way
Yes I quite liked that version, very country, nungate.
For Queenie, my favorite Who record.
Good night all. x
Last bit of fun for tonight!
Now I have to go wake best beloved and tell it's bedtime!
Night all!

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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